In order to enhance the awareness of the importance of the occupational safety and health at the corporation’s business units and to help enhance the effectiveness of the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases and technical breakdowns, the Trade Union and Youth Union jointly organized the contest “2018 good occupational safety and health officer” on 31 August 2018. The contest was joined by 24 contestants being officers in charge of occupational safety and health coming from 15 member companies of SAMCO Corporation.
Representatives from units receive campaign medals of the contest.
Mr. Le Van Pha - Deputy General Director of the corporation - make an opening speech.
The contest was also an occasion to propagandize legal regulations on occupational safety and health and at the same time to help build up an emulation movement for green, clean and nice production in the entire corporation.
Contestants go through a test.
Mr. Nguyen Tien Nhut - Toyota Ben Thanh Company - goes through a lecture test.
Mr. Nguyen Tien Nhut (blue T-shirt) as an excellent winner of the 1st prize in the good occupational safety and health officer contest
Written by Le Huu Phu
Translated by Tran Canh Trong