Publicization of method of performance management based on BSC (Balanced Score Card) tool at the corporation’s departments

: 3353


With the purpose to enhance the corporation’s management effect and competitiveness in the context of international integration, the corporation started to train its key office holders in the Balanced Score Card (BSC).

From 14 May 2018 to 21 May 2018, the Corporation publicized a performance management method based on the Balanced Score Card (BSC) tool in the Parent Company’s departments. Meetings on the BSC were attended by Ms. Tang Thi Thu Ly - the Corporation’s Deputy General Director. Through this BSC tool, the departments were expected to make changes to perfect their strategy mapping.

At the departmental meetings, the staff members were made familiarized with individual contents of the BSC, related to the Corporation and their own department.

Some of the departments have popularized BSC contents concerning corporate activities and their own to each of their staff members, while others have not. However, after introduced to each and every BSC items at a meeting, the staff got to gain the understanding of it and offered specific suggestions close to their job functions to establishing the BSC as well as KPI.

The staff was shown how to define key work items related to each of them for KPI with four perspectives: Finance - Customer - Internal Process - Learning and Growth, measurement aim determination practice, measurement indicator, calculation method and formula measurement frequency…

On the basis of the BSC applied to the corporation and its departments, the management will examine and assess together with the functional departments to further perfect the BSC and KPI.

This is the first step in the practiced establishment of the corporation’s strategy mapping, thereby enabling its staff to approach the BSC-based management method prior to the invitation of a consulting firm for its expert advice on this management method.

Some photos of BSC meetings of the corporate departments:


Finance and Accounting Department


HR Department


Investment Management Department


Legal Department and Marketing Department


Administrative Department


SAMCO Building Management Department


Written by Le Huu Phu

Translated by Tran Canh Trong

Written : Hữu Phú