SAMCO’s function in commemoration of Vietnam Family Day (June 28)

: 2799

In commemoration of the Vietnam Family Day (June 28), the SAMCO Corporation’s trade union organization solemnly held a function with the participation by more than 200 families of the SAMCO staff on 27 June 2018.

On this occasion, the corporate Trade Union commended 27 corporate-level exemplary families for 2018. At the function, Dr. Vo Hoang Khac Hieu gave his talk on the special subject “Skills to build a happy family” in common with games of psychological perception and interaction for the families.

Some photos of the function:


A general view of the function.


Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Dung - Chairwoman of the corporate trade union - delivers an opening speech.


Commending the staff’s 27 corporate-level exemplary families for 2018.


Commending the staff’s 27 corporate-level exemplary families for 2018.

Written by Le Huu Phu

Translated by Tran Canh Trong

TS Võ Hoàng Khắc Hiếu trao đổi chuyên đề "Kỹ năng xây dựng gia đình hạnh phúc"
TS Võ Hoàng Khắc Hiếu trao đổi chuyên đề "Kỹ năng xây dựng gia đình hạnh phúc"
Written : Hữu Phú